Sunday 2023-12-17 @ 10:00am-12:00pm NZDT
Dedicated to Joseph Patrych
Watch Sherry's Interview with Joe for 2022 International Scriabin 150 Festival
Sherry Grant
Woodwind Music
by NZ/French/German composers
with her 4 kids
Celebrate 2023 Christmas
Katherine Mansfield's Centenary
(banner made by Sherry)
Piano: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Oboe/cor anglais: Eddie Grant
Clarinet: Daniel Grant
Bassoon/vocal: Aspen Grant
Flute/vocal: Zoe Grant
Limited seats, book now (by donation)
* Programme *
Sherry will be performing woodwind works with her 4 kids (aged 9 to 17) to celebrate Christmas and Katherine Mansfield's Centenary. This concert is dedicated to Sherry's good friend in NYC Joseph Patrych.
Sherry's Poem 1: TBC
1. Zoe (flute): Menuet by J.S. Bach (Germany)
2. Zoe (flute): Cinq Sets by Guy-Claude Luyoaerts (France)
3. Aspen (bassoon): Aria by Tansman (France)
4. Aspen (bassoon): Piece by Faure (France)
5. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Concerto No.3, 1st mvt by Stamitz (Germany)
Sherry's Poem 2: TBC
6. Eddie (oboe): Oboe Concerto, 2nd mvt by Vaughan Williams (UK)
7. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Sonata by Saint-saens (all 4 movements) (France)
8. Zoe (vocal): Chocolate by David Hamilton (NZ)
9. Eddie (cor anglais): 2 Mansfield Poems by Edwin Carr (NZ)
10. Daniel (clarinet): 4th, 5th & 6th mvts from Phantasy Suite by Thomas Dunhill (UK)
Sherry's Poem 3: TBC
11. Zoe (vocal): Castle on the Cloud (France)
12. Zoe (vocal): Any Dream Will Do (UK)
13. Zoe (vocal): Greensleeves (UK, traditional)
14. Daniel (clarinet): Sonatina by Malcolm Arnold (all three movements) (UK)
15. Eddie (oboe): Gabriel's Oboe by Ennio Morricone (Italy)
Sherry's Poem 4: TBC
16. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Evening Prayer From Hansel & Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck (Germany)
17. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Peace Song by Dorothy Buchanan (NZ)
18. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Song
19. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Waltz
20. Zoe (vocal): Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
21. Zoe (vocal): Jingle-Bell Rock
22. TBC
23. TBC
Sherry Poem 5: TBC
Scriabin: Etude Op.2, No.1
The Carpenters: It's Only Just Begun
Last Updated on 14 January 2022

Zoe Grant
About Me
Welcome to my webpage!
My name is Zoe Grant, and I am a 7-year-old haiku poet from Auckland, New Zealand. I am also a ballerina and flautist.
I am the illustrator and co-author of 'Bat Girl' poetry book. I wrote the book with my mother Sherry Grant in 2020 when I was 6 years old.
At the Drifting Sands Poetry Hub, you can read a bit more about my poetry journey in the form of haibun.
Also you can read our interviews at the Great Margin (UK) and CAP Arts Centre (Northern Ireland).
Haiku & Senryu

snowy night --
the smell of
hot soup
-- Zoe Grant, first prize winning haiku at 2021 NZPS International Haiku Competition (Junior/School Section), also published in 2021 NZPS Anthology
I was very lucky to have won the first prize at a haiku competition in 2021, with a haiku written at school during my mum's poetry club. I even illustrated it when I first wrote the poem.
After that I wrote more poems so I can publish a solo haiku collection of 100 haiku. I submitted to many journals when my mum submitted her poems too and some of my poems got published!
A few more examples of my published haiku below.
school swings
only pigeons
-- first published at Stardust Haiku Journal, Issue 58, November 2021
designer pants
grandma sews the holes
back up
-- first published at Failed Haiku, Number 6, Issue 71, November 2021
giving out candies
on zoom
-- first published at Haiku Dialogue, 2021-11-03

Chalk on the Walk Haiku
My mum and I started Chalk on the Walk Haiku Facebook Group at the end of August 2021, in the middle of a very long Auckland lockdown.
We enjoy bringing great haiku to the world by chalking and illustrating them outside our house, which has a long sidewalk. When fully chalked with haiku, there can be up to about 12 poems at a time, until the rain comes or we scrub if down with water, by hand! At some point we would like to get a water blaster to make our lives easier...
We accept submission of up to 3 haiku and/or haiga/shahai per month from each poet (or they can share directly on the Facebook group page) with a short bio and any blog links/social media accounts (up to 5 but optional).
Chalk on the Walk Monoku
In the middle of September 2021, my sister Rebecca and I decided also start chalking monoku on our sidewalk separately, so we started Chalk on the Walk Monoku Facebook Group to share this unique form of one-line haiku. Rebecca and I have written a monoku sequence together which will get published at an anthology in Peru. I will add the poem (and its Spanish translation) here after publication.
Submission can be sent to:

Bat Girl Book
In my first book Bat Girl, my mum and I wrote some poems in the short form and longer forms like sonnet. I did all the illustration including the book cover.
An example from the book:
snoring is boring
stranger beside you
This was my favourite haiku in the book.
Another example is a nonaku, a short poetry form invented by my mum in September 2021. My big sister Emily Grant made the logo for nonaku. Isn't it cool?
Blanket Fish
(a nonaku)
out of water
swims a speical fish
life by
a little girl
waving invisible magic wand
imagination running rampant
blanket fish

After publishing my first poetry book Bat Girl, I have been actively involved in the international haiku community and written many linked poems (mostly rengay) with my mum and her poet friends.
I co-hosted two "Rengay Under the Moon" gatherings in September 2021 and attended the rengay session at Haiku North America in October 2021.
Many of my haiku and rengay have been published at journals and anthologies around the world. Below is a rengay that I wrote with the inventor of rengay, Garry Gay and my mum, who translated it into traditional Chinese for publication.
Between the Petals
a 3-person rengay
by Garry Gay (USA) + Zoe Grant (NZ) + Sherry Grant (NZ) (Op.2489) 2021-09-18
sticky monkey flower
a checker-spot butterfly
colors the wind gg
everywhere zg
right on time
for a hot Christmas
pohutukawa sg
fairy lanterns
brighten the mountain path gg
dripping honey
under the sun ☀️
kōwhai blossoms zg
parrots fight among
kakabeak flowers sg
作者:蓋瑞·貴(美國)+ 陳紫瑄(紐西蘭)+ 火の鳥(紐西蘭)
替微風上色 (蓋)
龍頭花 (陳)
聖誕節 (火)
照亮山間小道 (蓋)
溢出的蜂蜜 (陳)
花叢中搏鬥 (火)
-- first published at the Bamboo Hut Journal, Number 3 2021
My mum and I are planning to publish an annual rengay anthology, organise a new international annual rengay contest, and rengay gatherings in March and September each year.
2022 will be the 30th birthday of rengay so we are currently preparing the wikipedia entry for rengay.