Sunday 2023-12-17 @ 10:00am-12:00pm NZDT
Dedicated to Joseph Patrych
Watch Sherry's Interview with Joe for 2022 International Scriabin 150 Festival
Sherry Grant
Woodwind Music
by NZ/French/German composers
with her 4 kids
Celebrate 2023 Christmas
Katherine Mansfield's Centenary
(banner made by Sherry)
Piano: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Oboe/cor anglais: Eddie Grant
Clarinet: Daniel Grant
Bassoon/vocal: Aspen Grant
Flute/vocal: Zoe Grant
Limited seats, book now (by donation)
* Programme *
Sherry will be performing woodwind works with her 4 kids (aged 9 to 17) to celebrate Christmas and Katherine Mansfield's Centenary. This concert is dedicated to Sherry's good friend in NYC Joseph Patrych.
Sherry's Poem 1: TBC
1. Zoe (flute): Menuet by J.S. Bach (Germany)
2. Zoe (flute): Cinq Sets by Guy-Claude Luyoaerts (France)
3. Aspen (bassoon): Aria by Tansman (France)
4. Aspen (bassoon): Piece by Faure (France)
5. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Concerto No.3, 1st mvt by Stamitz (Germany)
Sherry's Poem 2: TBC
6. Eddie (oboe): Oboe Concerto, 2nd mvt by Vaughan Williams (UK)
7. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Sonata by Saint-saens (all 4 movements) (France)
8. Zoe (vocal): Chocolate by David Hamilton (NZ)
9. Eddie (cor anglais): 2 Mansfield Poems by Edwin Carr (NZ)
10. Daniel (clarinet): 4th, 5th & 6th mvts from Phantasy Suite by Thomas Dunhill (UK)
Sherry's Poem 3: TBC
11. Zoe (vocal): Castle on the Cloud (France)
12. Zoe (vocal): Any Dream Will Do (UK)
13. Zoe (vocal): Greensleeves (UK, traditional)
14. Daniel (clarinet): Sonatina by Malcolm Arnold (all three movements) (UK)
15. Eddie (oboe): Gabriel's Oboe by Ennio Morricone (Italy)
Sherry's Poem 4: TBC
16. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Evening Prayer From Hansel & Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck (Germany)
17. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Peace Song by Dorothy Buchanan (NZ)
18. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Song
19. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Waltz
20. Zoe (vocal): Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
21. Zoe (vocal): Jingle-Bell Rock
22. TBC
23. TBC
Sherry Poem 5: TBC
Scriabin: Etude Op.2, No.1
The Carpenters: It's Only Just Begun
International Katherine Mansfield 100 Festival
* Online *
17-19 November 2023
(9am-3pm NZ Time + Repeat 12 hours later at 9pm-3am)
Gerri Kimber (UK)

DR GERRI KIMBER is Visiting Professor in the Department of English at the University of Northampton. She is co-editor of Katherine Mansfield Studies, the peer-reviewed annual yearbook of the Katherine Mansfield Society, published by Edinburgh University Press. She is the author of Katherine Mansfield: The Early Years (2016), Katherine Mansfield and the Art of the Short Story (2015), and Katherine Mansfield: The View from France (2008). She is the Series Editor of the 4-volume Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield (2012–16). Together with Claire Davison, she is currently editing a new 4-volume edition of Katherine Mansfield’s complete letters for EUP. Gerri is co-editor of a further thirty books on Mansfield, and has contributed chapters to many other volumes, in addition to numerous journal articles and reviews, notably for the Times Literary Supplement (TLS) and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She was President of the Katherine Mansfield Society for ten years (2010–2020). Gerri was the Alexander Turnbull Library Research Fellow at the National Library of New Zealand in 2015, and in 2014, was runner-up for the title of UK New Zealander of the Year, for her services to New Zealand culture.
Sherry Grant (NZ/Taiwan)

SHERRY GRANT, a Taiwan-born New Zealand concert pianist, cellist and poet, is the mastermind behind the International KM100NZ Festival. She is co-author of Bat Girl and co-editor of Haiku Zoo Journal and Raining Rengay. Sherry is well published as a haiku, cherita and rengay poet and the winner of the 2021 Otoroshi Rengay Contest with co-writer Alan Peat (UK). Through the KM100NZ festival Sherry wishes for the world to see New Zealand in a new light while celebrating one of the most important writer New Zealand has ever produced. Sherry wrote 2 books (100 poems) dedicated to Katherine Mansfield titled Being Katherine and Meet Mansfield. She has also been performing concert tours as solo and collabourative pianist both within NZ and around the world since 2019 to promote New Zealand music and landscape. Sherry was artistic director of the International Scriabin 150 Festival (2022), International Hindemith & Copland Festival (2021) and War & Peace Arts & Music Festival (2019). She believes that her efforts in organising these international festivals will ultimately lead to the Next Golden Age. When she is not performing concerts or writing or organsing events, Sherry would be busy driving her four kids around town.
Martin Griffiths (NZ)

MARTIN GRIFFITHS is a cello teacher and examiner for the New Zealand Music Education Board and principal cellist of Opus Orchestra (NZ), as well as guest member of NZ Barok and founding member of Vox Baroque Ensemble. He has performed with the Auckland Chamber Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonia, Christchurch Symphony, Bay of Plenty Sinfonia and the Handel Consort. In 2011 Martin presented “Arnold Trowell: colonial cellist and composer” at the Adam International Festival and Competition in Christchurch. His presentations of “Katherine Mansfield, Cellist” include the 2019 Katherine Mansfield conference in Krakow, Poland and the “Mansfield & Music” exhibition at the Katherine Mansfield House and Garden, Wellington, 2022. Martin has published in Katherine Mansfield Studies (Vols 12, 13, 14 & 15), Turnbull Library Record (2022), and Tinakori (2019).
Sue Casson (UK)
SUE CASSON is a singer songwriter whose music has appeared on BBC TV and Radio, on stage and film. She made her national radio debut whilst studying English at Oxford University, and continues to be inspired by the written word. Her first musical 'Two Tigers' was followed by ‘The Happy Prince’, based on Oscar Wilde's fable. Most recently her song cycle 'Dreams of Peace & Freedom', draws on poetry that inspired Nuremberg prosecutor and human rights champion David Maxwell Fyfe, to tell the story of the birth of human rights in Europe after the Second World War.
Cherie Jacobson (NZ)

CHERIE JACOBSON is the Director of Katherine Mansfield House & Garden. Since taking on the role in 2019, she has been involved in a wide range of Mansfield-related projects, including the publication Woman in Love: Katherine Mansfield’s Love Letters, the exhibitions Costuming Katherine, EKB: Artist & Friend, and Mansfield & Music. She has a BA Hons in English Literature and a Master of Museum & Heritage Practice from Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. Cherie has a background in the arts as a theatre maker, producer and venue manager, and has worked as a researcher, writer and curator in the heritage sector.
Claire Davison (France)

CLAIRE DAVISON is Professor of Modernist Studies at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, where her research and teaching focus on the borders and boundaries of modernism; the translation and reception of European literature; literary and musical modernism; modernist soundscapes and broadcasting. Claire’s the author of Translation as Collaboration – Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield and S. S. Koteliansky and the co-editor of the fourth volume of The Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield and The Collected Poetry of Katherine Mansfield, all published by Edinburgh University Press. She and co-editor Gerri Kimber are currently completing a new critical edition of the complete correspondence of Katherine Mansfield
Zoe Grant (NZ)

ZOE GRANT is a nine-year-old award-winning haiku poet from New Zealand. She has co-judged the 2023 Sri Lankan Haiku Compeition and the International KM100NZ Haiku Competition. Zoe is the co-author and illustrator of poetry books 'Bat Girl' (2021) and 'Being Katherine' (2023) and co-editor of international poetry journals "Haiku Zoo Journal" (for young poets 20 years old and under) and "Raining Rengay" (collaborative haiku writing). Zoe Loves dancing ballet and singing -- she often performs with her mother Sherry Grant in concerts, host international poetry workshops together and appear in interviews around the world as a mother-daughter duo. They aim to inspire and empower 1 billion people around the world to create artistically together at home and bring about the Next Golden Age.
Hannah Wen-Shan Shieh (Taiwan)

HANNAH WEN-SHAN SHIEH is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages at Shih Chien University in Taipei, Taiwan. Her research interests include modernism, English short fiction, and medical humanities. She received her PhD in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Sussex in 2013. Her publications include “Establishing a Relational Self in Collaborative Caring Relations: Alice Munro’s Illness Narrative of Alzheimer’s Disease” (in Chinese)(2020); “A Critique of Stigma Transformation in Alice Munro’s ‘Face’ and ‘Child’s Play’” (2018), and “The Uncanny, Open Secrets, and Katherine Mansfield’s Modernist Legacy in Alice Munro’s Everyday Gothic” (2017). Her paper “Restlessness Transformed: Revisiting the Metaphor of Tuberculosis in Katherine Mansfield’s Notebooks and Letters” (published in Katherine Mansfield Studies Volume 15 in October, 2023) was shortlisted for the 2022 Katherine Mansfield Society Essay Prize.
Anne Manchester (NZ)

ANNE MANCHESTER is a journalist and former editor of the national nursing journal Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand. She co-edited, with Mary McCallum and Maggie Rainey-Smith, Eastbourne: An Anthology, in 2013. She has published two books for children and a memoir, Memory Stick, in 2020. She is currently writing a biography on the New Zealand hymnwriter Shirley Erena Murray. Among her range of community activities, she is an actor and director for the Butterfly Creek Theatre troupe, skills she put to good effect in the making of the At the Bay photographic tribute and film.
Kathleen Jones (UK)

KATHLEEN JONES is a Sunday Times best-selling biographer, whose subjects include Christina Rossetti, Katherine Mansfield and the pioneering 17 th century writer Margaret Cavendish. Her award-winning account of the lives of the women associated with the Lake Poets, ‘A Passionate Sisterhood’ was a Virago Classic. She has also written two novels and four collections of poetry. Kathleen was born and brought up in the English Lake District, worked in broadcast journalism and has taught creative writing and women’s studies in a number of universities. She became a Royal Literary Fund Fellow in 2006, and in 2016 was elected a Fellow of the English Association at St John’s College, Cambridge.
Haiku Reading Poets
Poets from around the world who participated in the International KM100NZ Haiku Competition (15 July - 15 September 2023) were all invited to send in videos reading the haiku they submitted. The results are to be announced online during the festival.
Poet names (listed in reading order) and countries of residence:
1. Alvin Cruz (Philippines)
2. Andjelka Pavic (Croatia)
3. Angel Dyulgerov (Bulgaria)
4. Angie Quantrell (USA)
5. Anne Catharine Blake (USA)
6. Anne Curran (NZ)
7. Anne Manchester (NZ)
8. Annette Akkerman (the Netherlands)
9. Christina Baumis (USA)
10. Crishanthie Sumanasekera (Sri Lanka)
11. Cristina Povero (Italy)
12. Eavonka Ettiinger (USA)
13. Fernando Manuel Bunga (Angola, Africa)
14. Francoise Maurice (France)
15. Gaye Hemsley (NZ)
16. Gillena Cox (Trinidad & Tobago)
17. Ilona Lakatos (Hungary)
18. Inoka Rajapaksha (Sri Lanka)
19. Jessica Allyson (Canada)
20. Wiesław Karliński (Poland)
21. Jorge Braulio (Cuba)
22. Kavita Ratna (India)
23. Kuma Raj Subedi (Australia)
24. Marcia Burton (Canada)
25. Margaret Mahony (Australia)
26. Margie Gustafson (USA)
27. Marjolein Rotsteeg (the Netherlands)
28. Minko Tanev (Bulgaria)
29. Nadeesha Pathiraja (Sri Lanka)
30. Nalani de Silva (Sri Lanka)
31. Nayomi Amarasinghe (Sri Lanka)
32. Neena Singh (India)
33. Nicoletta Ignatti (Italy)
34. Nina Kovacic (Croatia)
35.Preeti Sharma (India)
36. Pris Cambell (USA)
37. Radhika De Silva (Sri Lanka)
38. Richard Harrow (UK)
39. Roohallah Ghasemi (Iran)
40. Ruth Happel (USA)
41. Sharmila Bandunee Danwatta (Sri Lanka)
42. Stefanie Bucifal (Germany)
43. Stoianka Boianova (Bulgaria)
44. Subhashini Jayatilake (Australia)
45. Swarna Bopali (Sri Lanka)
46. wanda amos (Australia)
47. Adele Evershed (USA)
48. Astrid Egger (Canada)
49. Barbara Strang (NZ)
50. Bidyut Prabha Gantayat (India)
51. Bittor Duce Zubillaga (Basque Country)
52. Bronwyn Bryant (NZ)
53. Dan C. Julian (Romania)
54. Dragica Ohashi (Japan)
55. Ed Bremson (USA)
56. Hiranthi Sellahewa (Sri Lanka)
57. James Penha (Indoneisa)
58. Jean-Claude Lin (Germany)
59. Jenny Shepherd (UK)
60. Jerome Berglund (USA)
61. Kumari Handapangoda (Sri Lanka)
62. Lakshman Bulusu (USA)
63. Lakshmi Iyer (India)
64. Lorelyn Arevalo (Philippines)
65. Donna Margaret Tilley (Australia)
66. Roberta Beary (Ireland)
67. Lorraine Padden (USA)
68. Maggie Rainey-Smith (NZ)
69. Manoj Sharma (Nepal)
70. Marilyn Ashbaugh (USA)
71. Alene Sen (Canada)
72. Christine L. Villa (USA)
73. D’Ellen (USA)
74. Glauco Saba (Italy)
75. Hla Yin Mon (Myanmar)
76. Hoshi Dee (Diana Timmerman) (England)
77. Ian William L. (Australia)
78. Mariangela Canzi (Italy)
79. John Pappas (USA)
80. Mona Bedi (India)
81. Monica Kakkar (India and USA)
82. Refika Dedić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
83. Rosa Almarales (Cuba)
84. Rowan P. Ogeil (Australia)
85. Sue Glamuzina (NZ)
86. Christopher Seep (USA)
87. Louise Hopewell (Australia)
88. Federico Peralta (Philippines)
89. Kathabela Wilson (USA)
90. Valorie Broadhurst Woedehoff (USA)
91. Maria Teresa Sisti (Italy)
92. Zoe Grant (NZ) reads all 35 junior haiku submissions
Longer Poems:
Joan Leotta (USA)
Raewyn Alexander (NZ)
Maggie Rainey-Smith (NZ)
John Gallas (NZ/UK)

Melanie Spanswick (UK)

MELANIE SPANSWICK is a piano pedagogue, educator, author, and composer. She graduated from the Royal College of Music in London with a Master of Music degree in Piano Performance Studies. As a pianist, she has performed and broadcast worldwide, and, as an educator, Melanie has examined and adjudicated widely, and has given workshops and presentations throughout the UK and abroad. Melanie has written, compiled, and edited over 25 piano books for the international market. She is a regular contributor to Pianist Magazine, her piano course, Play it again: PIANO (Schott) is a best-selling publication, and her three-book series, Women Composers – A Graded Anthology For Piano (Schott), recently won a Presto Music Award for best ‘New Series Of The Year’.
John Horrocks (NZ)

JOHN HORROCKS is an independent researcher and writer who lives at Days Bay in Wellington – a member of a group of locals that in 2023 completed a short film based around Mansfield’s story “At the Bay”. Much of his childhood was spent at his grandparents’ place at Rotorua and he has written previous articles about about the culture of its spa and that of Wörishofen. His novel Dark Empire (2020) is set in Wellington during the First World War and has Mansfield characters Harry Kember and his wife as the principal villains.
Meghan Carppe (NZ)

MEGHAN CARPPE is a member of the New Zealand Opera Chorus. She is the President of Auckland Art Songs and Lieder. She has a Bachelor of Music (Honours) from the University of Auckland and a Postgraduate Diploma in Performance from the Royal Academy of Music in London. Her desire to perform has led her to be involved in numerous operas and operettas, including Abbess in Suor Angelica, First Lady in Magic Flute, Nora in Riders to the Sea, Aida, Elixir of Love, Carmen, Manon Lescaut, Eugene Onegin, Jenufa, La Boheme, Turandot, Lucia di Lammermoor and La Traviata. Also, numerous placings in competitions include Rutson Prize Winner (English Art Song Recital), Royal Academy of Music, Third Place Hamilton Aria Competition, Hamilton Performing Arts and Finalist North Shore Aria Competition, North Shore Performing Arts.
Polly Sussex (NZ)

POLLY SUSSEX was born in Australia but moved to New Zealand at an early age. She studied Violoncello and Piano in Prague and at the Royal Academy of Music in London. Later she studied for her B.Mus. Hons., and Ph. D. (The Violoncello Sonatas of Luigi Boccherini) at the University of Otago, New Zealand. She also holds Diplomas in Teaching and in Arts Administration from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. More recently, she became interested in the Viola da Gamba. In 2007 and 2008, Polly undertook postgraduate studies in Viola da Gamba at the Hochschule fuer Kuenste, Bremen, North Germany (with Hille Perl) and at the Scola Cantorum in Basel, with Paolo Pandolfo), Switzerland. She plays all sizes of Viola da Gamba, including the Pardessus.
Tessa Romano (NZ)

Mezzo-soprano DR. TESSA ROMANO is Head of Voice at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. They hold a DMA from the University of Colorado Boulder, an MM from the University of Michigan, and an AB in Music and Italian from Princeton University. Dr. Romano has held opera fellowships at Aspen Opera Center and CU New Opera Workshop. They have performed with the Syracuse Symphony, Hartford Symphony, Dunedin Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonic and American Handel Society. Past awards include first place in the Florida Grieg Voice Competition, Winner of the Art of Art Song Competition, and Winner of the Franco-American Vocal Academy’s Grand Concours Prize. Dr. Romano is Co-Vice President of the New Zealand Association of Teachers of Singing and a Board Member of the New York Singing Teachers’ Association.
Andrew Perkins (NZ)

ANDREW PERKINS was born in Warkworth, New Zealand. 1992 he was appointed Auckland Philharmonia’s third Composer In Residence, writing for them. Andrew completed his PhD Music at Melbourne University, graduating in 2013. He now resides in Dunedin, NZ. Andrew has had a number of significant works recorded and performed in New Zealand and internationally, Symphony Der Bote for mezzo soprano and orchestra, Waltz-Fantasia for orchestra (2012), Vespers for Pentecost for soprano, choir, tambura, and orchestra (2012), The Radish and the Shoe for narrator and orchestra, Three Spanish Songs for mezzo and orchestra, and Concerto Grosso for flute, harpsichord and strings (2015).
Anthony Ritchie (NZ)

ANTHONY RITCHIE is a renowned composer whose works have been performed by ensembles such as The Takacs Quartet, and soloists such as Bella Hristhova. His many commissioned works include concertos for piano, violin, viola, flute, guitar and euphonium, six symphonies, six operas and chamber music. In 2016 he was joint winner of The NZ Classical Album of the Year. His Symphony No.5 ‘Childhood’ was rated one of the recordings of the year by MusicWeb International, 2022. Anthony is currently Professor of Music at The University of Otago in Dunedin, and Head of the School of Performing Arts.
Ross James Carey (NZ)

A native of Te Awa Kairangi/Lower Hutt, ROSS JAMES CAREY's explorations of words and music include accompanying Chinese, Indonesian and western art songs, composing poetry (his meditation on a 2020 lockdown, 'Xinzheng Couplets' is published online by SOUNZ), music theatre ('Kate Kelly', libretto by Merrill Findlay) as well as art songs. The latter includes settings of Ruth Dallas and Fleur Adcock and a current project setting poems by Rina Ombara in the original Bahasa Indonesia. Ross has performed his own and other contemporary composers' works around the Asia-Pacific while his compositions have been performed by interpreters including pianist Gao Ping, Continuum Ensemble Toronto and the Aroha String Quartet.
Kenneth Young (NZ)

As one of New Zealand’s foremost composers, KENNETH YOUNG's works are performed regularly throughout Australasia, Europe, and America. For over twenty years until 2019 he was a lecturer in composition and conducting at the New Zealand School of Music at Victoria University Wellington, before moving to Dunedin to take up the Mozart Fellowship at the University of Otago. Young is also one of New Zealand’s leading conductors. He has worked with all the major orchestras in New Zealand and Australia while also making appearances in the United Kingdom and Japan. His numerous recordings of New Zealand and Australian orchestral music have been recognised internationally.
Michael Norris (NZ)

MICHAEL NORRIS is a composer, software developer and music theorist. He teaches composition at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, is editor of Wai-te-ata Music Press, and directs Stroma New Music Ensemble. He is the recipient of the Mozart Fellowship in 2001, the Douglas Lilburn Prize in 2003, the CANZ Trust Fund Award in 2012, and has won the SOUNZ Contemporary Award four times, in 2014, 2018, 2019 and 2020. He has had works performed at festivals such as Donaueschingen, with performers such as the Hilversum Radio Chamber Orchestra, Soundinitiative, Ensemble Nikel, the NZSO, Roberto Fabbriciani, the NZSQ, NZTrio, the Viennese Saxophonic Orchestra, Ensemble Offspring, Ensemble Reconsil, and the Ensemble Pierrot Lunaire Wien. Michael's suite of real-time audio effects, 'SoundMagic Spectral', is widely used in both industry and academia worldwide, by artists such as Aphex Twin and Brian Eno. Michael’s other research interests include post-tonal theory, New Zealand music and the intersection between maths and music.
Thomas Goss (NZ)

THOMAS GOSS is a professional composer and orchestrator whose scores have been performed and recorded in 9 different time zones, in a variety of genres from film and crossover to ballet and the concert stage. He has held the position of Education Composer-in-Residence with Orchestra Wellington for 16 years, creating long-running schools tours and education concerts. He also directs the internet community and YouTube channel Orchestration Online, with an estimated 100,000 followers across several social media platforms. His orchestrations of Pasifika songs for NZSO’s “Mana Moana” concerts with Signature Choir were premiered in Wellington in 2022, with a repeat performance coming this November in Auckland.
David Hamilton (NZ)

DAVID HAMILTON i(b.1955) was Head of Music at Epsom Girls Grammar School until the end of 2001. He has been Deputy Music Director of Auckland Choral (1996-2011) and Composer-in-Residence with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra (1999). He works part-time in music education as a composition tutor and choral conductor. He is well-known as a choral composer and conductor, workshop leader and adjudicator. His choral music is widely performed, and is published in the UK, USA, Germany, Spain and Finland. His music has won numerous competitions in New Zealand, and also internationally (Italy, USA (6 times), Israel, Spain, Australia. and the UK).
Nigel Keay (NZ)

Originally from New Zealand, NIGEL KEAY today lives and works in Paris, France as a composer and violist. Throughout his musical career he has always been an active participant in presenting his own music either as a violist or on occasions as conductor. Before leaving New Zealand in 1998 Nigel Keay had held several fulltime composer-in-residence positions; the Mozart Fellowship in Dunedin, Nelson School of Music and the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. His music has been broadcast by Radio France on several occasions; in October 2013 Nigel Keay was the featured guest on Radio France Musique's Tapage Nocturne programme. Nigel Keay's works are increasingly being presented in prestigious concert venues in Europe and further afield. These include: Diversions for Quintet at the Graz Opera, Austria, at Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal, at the Paris Oboe Festival. His Introduction and Tarantella was premiered at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, NYC.
Ben Fernandez (NZ)

BEN FERNANDEZ is a classically trained jazz pianist, composer and arranger. He has a Masters’ Degree in Music majoring in Jazz performance from the University of Auckland. He also has degrees in Physics, Computer Science and Business Management. Ben has performed at concerts and events in over 25 countries and is an award-winning composer for jingles, TV shows and short films. He has released 8 Albums of his music here in NZ. Ben is also an educator and teaches music at schools and colleges in Auckland. He conducts regular workshops on improvisation in New Zealand and overseas. Ben has just finished composing music for a new rock musical that will be staged early next year. He is also one of the creatives selected to be a part of the Ockham Collective 2023
Peter Adams (NZ)

PETER ADAMS is a Professor of Music at Otago University and a well-known conductor and composer. Peter has guest conducted all around New Zealand and Australia with orchestras, brass bands, and choirs. As a composer, Adams has written many works and arrangements that have been performed throughout New Zealand and in the UK and North America. He has written orchestral pieces, several works for brass band and concert wind band, and chamber music for woodwind and string combinations. His music has been published and his two string quartets have both been recorded by the Jade Quartet on Rattle Records CDs.
Yvette Audain (NZ)

YVETTE AUDAIN is equally happy composing and arranging for various combinations of instruments as she is simply improvising in the moment. She is an experienced orchestrator who has also written plenty for herself to perform as a woodwind player such as in her 2014 album release Grooves Unspoken. A recent development in her compositional process is to improvise and record at the instrument, later transcribing into a written piece, as was the process for Wera, a commission for pianist Sharon Joy Vogan Cawston's upcoming Suite Aotearoa album project.
Janet Jennings (NZ)

DR JANNET JENNINGS writes for a wide range of forces including instrumental ensembles (chamber and orchestral music), voices (solo and choral music), and for stage (opera and dance). Her intention in setting texts by Katherine Mansfield and is to communicate and celebrate the words of the poet. Janet’s works have been supported by Creative NZ, performed nationally and internationally, recorded by Radio NZ, SOUNZ Resound, toured for Chamber Music NZ, and are broadcast regularly on RNZ Concert. Atoll Records has released five albums of her music – all available for purchase from Marbecks Records.
Kate Elliott (NZ)

As one of New Zealand’s most acclaimed actors, KATE ELLIOTT has been working professionally from age fourteen, gaining both international and local awards for leading roles in film and television for nearly three decades. Kate's standout roles include troubled detective 'Jess Savage' in both seasons of THE GULF, violent neo-Nazi ‘Spike' in WENTWORTH; she has also played historical icons pilot Jean Batten in feature film JEAN, and poet Katherine Mansfield in the highly acclaimed telemovie BLISS: THE BEGINNING OF KATHERINE MANSFIELD. Most recently, Kate plays 'Clarke' in XYZ Films feature ASH, directed by Flying Lotus, alongside Eiza González and Aaron Paul Kate is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker, with LOST BOYS OF TARANAKI gaining over a million views on YouTube. She can also do cartwheels and stand on one leg.
Carole M. Cusack (Australia)

CAROLE M. CUSACK is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Sydney. She researches primarily in contemporary religious trends and Western esotericism. Her books include (with Katharine Buljan) Anime, Religion and Spirituality: Profane and Sacred Worlds in Contemporary Japan (Equinox, 2015), Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith (Ashgate, 2010), and Conversion Among the Germanic Peoples (Cassell, 1998). She edited (with Alex Norman) Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production (Brill, 2012) and (with Pavol Kosnáč), Fiction, Invention and Hyper-reality: From Popular Culture to Religion (Routledge, 2017). She edits the journals Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review and Literature & Aesthetics.
Alwv Oshg Gvli (USA)

ALWV OSHG GVLI (A.K.A. Cassander Garduna) is a 40 year old Native American artist from the Lumbee and Coharie tribes of North Carolina that is currently living in Kentucky. He first studied fine art at Western Kentucky University and then went on to get his masters degree in the field at Bowling Green State university in Ohio. Alwv works in several artistic mediums including music, visual art, writing, and language construction. Alwv often combines these mediums both in performance, by playing his songs at galleries where the visual work is displayed and in his visual work he incorporates his invented alphabet into the drawings.
Ali Carew (NZ)

ALI CAREW worked in publishing for nearly 25 years as a freelance editor of New Zealand non-fiction. Now retired, she devotes much of her time to local history, as researcher and collection co-ordinator for the Historical Society of Eastbourne Inc. She is the co-author of Eastbourne: A history of the eastern bays of Wellington Harbour.
Simeon Morrow (UK)
SIMEON MORROW works at the intersection of classical music and new media as an orchestral conductor and Host/Producer of show Vienna Live with Simeon Morrow. Through his work, Simeon aspires to bring the world of classical music to those who have yet to discover it and use it to enrich everyday life. Please follow him at SimeonMorrow.com
Janet Wilson (NZ/UK)

JANET M. WILSON is professor emerita of English and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Northampton, UK. Her research focuses on the diaspora and postcolonial writing of the settler colonies of Australasia. Katherine Mansfield is a special area of interest. She has coedited with Aimee Gasston and Gerri Kimber Katherine Mansfield: New Directions (2020), and a special issue of the JNZL, “Katherine Mansfield: The Gift of Breath” (2020), and is currently coediting “Katherine Mansfield and Germany”. She was vice-president of the Katherine Mansfield Society from 2010-2020. In 2022-23 she is Fellow-in-Residence at the Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, UK.
Gillian Greer (NZ)

GILLIAN B. GREER CBE MNZM (born 1944), also known as Gillian Boddy, is a former New Zealand teacher, specialising in the life and work of Katherine Mansfield, the subject of her PhD, author of numerous articles and 2 books on Katherine Mansfield, and co-author of one on Robin Hyde, She is also a heath and human rights advocate, advisor to the New Zealand Government, and served as chief executive of numerous non profit organisations. She was CE of Family Planning NZ, Director General of International Planned Parenthood Federation, London, chief executive of the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ), and assistant vice-chancellor (equity) of Victoria University of Wellington- te Herenga Waka and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2019. She has served on a number of Boards including Evofem Biosciences (USA) and Amnesty international Aotearoa New Zealand.
Fiona Samuel (NZ)

FIONA SAMUEL is an award-winning writer and director for television & film. She initially trained as an actor, then moved behind the camera as a writer and director to gain more agency and take a more active role in shaping the narrative. In a three-decade career Fiona has created a body of work that puts the female experience front and centre, from her ground-breaking television drama series THE MARCHING GIRLS featuring ten young female leads to an acclaimed trilogy of feature-length dramas PIECE OF MY HEART, BLISS – The Beginning of Katherine Mansfield, and CONSENT – The Louise Nicholas Story. Fiona Samuel is an NZ Arts Foundation Laureate (Moving Image), an MNZM for services to television and theatre, and the co-president of the NZ Writers Guild.
Kayla Collingwood (NZ/France)

KAYLA COLLINGWOOD is a contralto, classical music educator, and writer/creator from New Zealand, residing in France. She is passionate about bringing engaging experiences to new (and returning!) audiences, and believes in the transformative impact of her art forms. Her singing history is solid and varied, having sung in diverse professional contexts internationally. Following a post-study hiatus, she committed herself entirely to her multifaceted career in 2020. Taking an unconventional path has afforded her the opportunity to focus on vocal development - including transitioning from a mezzo-soprano to a contralto - and to cultivate a unique sense of interpretation, musicianship, and artistry.
Sébastien Hurtaud (France)

SÉBASTIEN HURTAUD is the first Frenchman to win the Grand Prize at the Adam International Cello Competition in New Zealand. Trained at the Paris Conservatory and the Royal Northern College of Music, he has toured worldwide as a soloist and chamber musician. Recent collaborations include Strauss's "Don Quixote" with the Katowice Orchestra, Gulda's concerto with the Bratislava Philharmonic Orchestra, Dvorak's concerto with the Metz Orchestra, and more. His recording of Elgar's and Farr's concertos with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra achieved global success. Critics acclaim his expressive interpretation (Forbes), passionate playing (Gramophone), powerful style (BBC Mag), and elegant dynamism (Strad Mag).
Isabelle Dutel (France)

Pianist and educator ISABELLE DUTEL has performed in Paris, the Paris region, and in Provence with various ensembles. As the artistic director of Musikaplus and collaborator with Traces d’aujourd’hui, she is a champion of contemporary repertoire. She earned the unanimous first prize for advancement and the gold medal in piano from the Regional Conservatory of Saint Maur des Fossés, and holds the State Diploma in piano awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the specialised artistic teaching assistants' competition. She has been teaching for 17 years at the Departmental Conservatory of Chaville Ville d’Avray (92) in the Paris region.
Tanya Hayton (NZ)

TANYA HAYTON is a Whanganui based mixed media artist utilizing printmaking, painting and sculpture. Themes in her work revolve around literature, architecture, domestic and retro space. Her love of literature plays an important role in her life. She facilitates the bookclubs at the local independent bookshop, Paige's Book Gallery. Her favourite genre is contemporary NZ fiction. "I love encouraging people to open a book- whether it be through lending them a copy from my own collection or by sparking an interest to read literature based on a visual work I have produced." In 2019, Tanya made works inspired by five short stories penned by Katherine Mansfield. She placed her beloved vintage editions of Mansfield's works within the exhibition for the viewers to read.