Sunday 2023-12-17 @ 10:00am-12:00pm NZDT
Dedicated to Joseph Patrych
Watch Sherry's Interview with Joe for 2022 International Scriabin 150 Festival
Sherry Grant
Woodwind Music
by NZ/French/German composers
with her 4 kids
Celebrate 2023 Christmas
Katherine Mansfield's Centenary
(banner made by Sherry)
Piano: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Oboe/cor anglais: Eddie Grant
Clarinet: Daniel Grant
Bassoon/vocal: Aspen Grant
Flute/vocal: Zoe Grant
Limited seats, book now (by donation)
* Programme *
Sherry will be performing woodwind works with her 4 kids (aged 9 to 17) to celebrate Christmas and Katherine Mansfield's Centenary. This concert is dedicated to Sherry's good friend in NYC Joseph Patrych.
Sherry's Poem 1: TBC
1. Zoe (flute): Menuet by J.S. Bach (Germany)
2. Zoe (flute): Cinq Sets by Guy-Claude Luyoaerts (France)
3. Aspen (bassoon): Aria by Tansman (France)
4. Aspen (bassoon): Piece by Faure (France)
5. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Concerto No.3, 1st mvt by Stamitz (Germany)
Sherry's Poem 2: TBC
6. Eddie (oboe): Oboe Concerto, 2nd mvt by Vaughan Williams (UK)
7. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Sonata by Saint-saens (all 4 movements) (France)
8. Zoe (vocal): Chocolate by David Hamilton (NZ)
9. Eddie (cor anglais): 2 Mansfield Poems by Edwin Carr (NZ)
10. Daniel (clarinet): 4th, 5th & 6th mvts from Phantasy Suite by Thomas Dunhill (UK)
Sherry's Poem 3: TBC
11. Zoe (vocal): Castle on the Cloud (France)
12. Zoe (vocal): Any Dream Will Do (UK)
13. Zoe (vocal): Greensleeves (UK, traditional)
14. Daniel (clarinet): Sonatina by Malcolm Arnold (all three movements) (UK)
15. Eddie (oboe): Gabriel's Oboe by Ennio Morricone (Italy)
Sherry's Poem 4: TBC
16. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Evening Prayer From Hansel & Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck (Germany)
17. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Peace Song by Dorothy Buchanan (NZ)
18. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Song
19. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Waltz
20. Zoe (vocal): Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
21. Zoe (vocal): Jingle-Bell Rock
22. TBC
23. TBC
Sherry Poem 5: TBC
Scriabin: Etude Op.2, No.1
The Carpenters: It's Only Just Begun
International Katherine Mansfield 100 Festival
* Online *
17-19 November 2023
(9am-3pm NZ Time + Repeat 12 hours later at 9pm-3am)
KM100NZ International Haiku Competition
15 July - 15 September 2023
(announed 2023-11-18
at Day 2 of Festival)
Honorary Mention
Maria Teresa Sisti (Italy)
Pravat Kumar Padhy (India)
Stefanie Bucifal (Germany)
Third Place
Ram Krishna Singh (India)
Second Place
Adele Evershed (USA)
Joint First Place
Neal Whitman (USA)
Louise Hopewell (Australia)
Honorary Mention
Teo Contac (Romania/13)
Karthik Chalamala Setti (India/11)
Heather Wallace (Scotland/20)
Gabriele Flaminio Romani (Italy/12)
Katherine Colleen Quisumbing (USA/10)
Noureen K Ajmal (India/12)
Viktoria Redžepi (Croatia/14)
Third Place
Andreea Lebaduca (Romania/14)
Joint Second Place
Agneesh Dutt (India/16)
Sebi Ciobica (Romania/11)
First Place
Aadithya Sreeraj (India/12)
Congratulations to all the winners, the first/second/third prize winners will each get a complimentary copy of the Loneliness Haiku Anthology, whereas honorary mention poets will get a discount when ordering the anthology.
To receive news / pre-order the anthology please fill in the following form.
To watch the KM100NZ Haiku Competition Results and Haiku Reading please sign up for free to attend one of the four zoom sessions where announcement, judge comments and all submitted haiku reading videos will be streamed.
List of poets included in "Loneliness" anthology
(1) Louise Hopewell (Australia)
(2) Neal Whitman (USA)
(3) Adele Evershed (USA)
(4) Ram Krishna Singh (India)
(5) Stefanie Bucifal (Germany)
(6) Pravat Kumar Padhy (India)
(7) Maria Teresa Sisti (Italy)
(8) Ram Krishna Singh (India)
(9) Katherine E Winnick (UK)
(10) Marilyn Ashbaugh (USA)
(11) Rev Howard Lee Kilby (USA)
(12) Debarati Sen (India)
(13) Tony Steven Williams (Australia)
(14) Daipayan Nair (India)
(15) Michelle V. Alkerton (Canada)
(16) Steliana Cristina Voicu (Romania)
(17) Jerome Berglund (USA)
(18) an'ya (USA)
(19) Christina Sng (Singapore)
(20) Debbie Strange (Canada)
(21) Aleksandar Košeto (Croatia)
(22) Fernando Manuel Bunga (Uíge, Angola, África)
(23) Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo (Philippines)
(24) Richard L. Matta (USA)
(25) Alvin B. Cruz (Phillipines)
(26) Zoran Doderovic, Serbia
(27) Neena Singh (India)
(28) Tomislav Maretić (Croatia)
(29) Ron C. Moss (Australia)
(30) Françoise Maurice, France
(31) Annette Makino (USA)
(32) Mona Bedi (India)
(33) Chen-ou Liu (Canada)
(34) Nina Kovačić (née Ružička)(Croatia)
(35) John Pappas (USA)
(36) Margherita Petriccione (Italy)
(37) Marie Derley (Belgium)
(38) Lakshmi Iyer (India)
(39) Christopher Seep (USA)
(40) Paul Callus (Malta)
(41) Mariangela Canzi (Italy)
(42) Adele Evershed (USA)
(43) Tony Williams (Scotland, UK)
(44) Bidyut prabha Gantayat (India)
(45) Kathabela Wilson (USA)
(46) Bronwyn Bryant (NZ)
(47) D. V. Rozic (Croatia)
(48) Hla Yin Mon (Myanmar)
(49) Julie Bloss Kelsey (USA)
(50) Anđelka Pavić (Croatia)
(51) Yasir Farooq (Pakistan)
(52) Margaret Tau (USA)
(53) Jay Friedenberg (USA)
(54) Angel Dyulgerov (Bulgaria)
(55) Wanda Amos (Australia)
(56) Annette Akkerman (the Netherlands)
(57) Ruth Happel (USA)
(58) Lorraine A Padden (USA)
(59) Nicoletta Ignatti (Italy)
(60) Sandra Simpson (NZ)
(61) Christine L. Villa (USA)
(62) Tuyet Van Do (Australia)
(64) Crishanthie Sumanasekera (Sri Lanka)
(65) Federico C. Peralta (Philippines)
(66) Helen Hobbs (NZ)
(67) Ivan Gaćina (Croatia)
(68) Henryk Czempiel (Poland)
(69) Valorie Broadhurst Woerdehoff (USA)
(70) C.X. Turner (UK)
(71) Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă (Romania)
(72) Barbara Kaufmann (USA)
(73) Aadithya Sreeraj (India, 12)
(74) Agneesh Dutt (India, 16)
(75) Sebi Ciobica (Romania, 11)
(76) Andreea Lebaduca (Romania, 14)
(77) Viktoria Redžepi (Croatia, 14)
(78) Noureen K Ajmal (India, 12)
(79) Gabriele Flaminio Romani (Italy, 12)
(80) Heather Wallace (Scotland, 20)
(81) Karthik Chalamala Setti (India, 11)
(82) Teo Contac (Romania, 13)
(83) Claudia Marcela Catanzaro (Argentina)
(84) Christina Chin (Malaysia)
(85) Corine Timmer (Portugal)
(86) Shloka Shankar (India)
(87) Katherine Colleen Quisumbing (USA, 10)
(88) Vijay Prasad (India)
(89) Alan Peat (UK)
(90) Sherry Grant (NZ)
(91) Zoe Grant (NZ, 9)
(92) Radhika De Silva (Sri Lanka) & Daniela Misso (Italy)
(93) Anne Curran (NZ), Lakshman Bulusu (USA) & Kathabela Wilson (USA)
(94) Nancy Brady (USA)
(95) Jerome Berglund (USA) & Christina Chin (Malaysia)
(96) ...
List of poets in "Loneliness" video anthology
1.Alvin Cruz (Philippines)
2.Andjelka Pavic (Croatia)
3.Angel Dyulgerov (Bulgaria)
4.Angie Quantrell (USA)
5.Anne Catharine Blake (USA)
6.Anne Curran (NZ)
7.Anne Manchester (NZ)
8.Annette Akkerman (the Netherlands)
9.Christina Baumis (USA)
10.Crishanthie Sumanasekera (Sri Lanka)
11.Cristina Povero (Italy)
12.Eavonka Ettiinger (USA)
13.Fernando Manuel Bunga (Angola, Africa)
14.Francoise Maurice (France)
15.Gaye Hemsley (NZ)
16.Gillena Cox (Trinidad & Tobago)
17.Ilona Lakatos (Hungary)
18.Inoka Rajapaksha (Sri Lanka)
19.Jessica Allyson (Canada)
20.Wiesław Karliński (Poland)
21.Jorge Braulio (Cuba)
22.Kavita Ratna (India)
23.Kuma Raj Subedi (Australia)
24.Marcia Burton (Canada)
25.Margaret Mahony (Australia)
26.Margie Gustafson (USA)
27.Marjolein Rotsteeg (the Netherlands)
28.Minko Tanev (Bulgaria)
29.Nadeesha Pathiraja (Sri Lanka)
30.Nalani de Silva (Sri Lanka)
31.Nayomi Amarasinghe (Sri Lanka)
32.Neena Singh (India)
33.Nicoletta Ignatti (Italy)
34.Nina Kovacic (Croatia)
35.Preeti Sharma (India)
36.Pris Cambell (USA)
37.Radhika De Silva (Sri Lanka)
38.Richard Harrow (UK)
39.Roohallah Ghasemi (Iran)
40.Ruth Happel (USA)
41.Sharmila Bandunee Danwatta (Sri Lanka)
42.Stefanie Bucifal (Germany)
43.Stoianka Boianova (Bulgaria)
44.Subhashini Jayatilake (Australia)
45.Swarna Bopali (Sri Lanka)
46.wanda amos (Australia)
47.Adele Evershed (USA)
48.Astrid Egger (Canada)
49.Barbara Strang (NZ)
50.Bidyut Prabha Gantayat (India)
51.Bittor Duce Zubillaga (Basque Country)
52.Bronwyn Bryant (NZ)
53.Dan C. Julian (Romania)
54.Dragica Ohashi (Japan)
55.Ed Bremson (USA)
56.Hiranthi Sellahewa (Sri Lanka)
57.James Penha (Indoneisa)
58.Jean-Claude Lin (Germany)
59.Jenny Shepherd (UK)
60.Jerome Berglund (USA)
61.Kumari Handapangoda (Sri Lanka)
62.Lakshman Bulusu (USA)
63.Lakshmi Iyer (India)
64.Lorelyn Arevalo (Philippines)
65.Donna Margaret Tilley (Australia)
66.Roberta Beary (Ireland)
67.Lorraine A Padden (USA)
68.Maggie Rainey-Smith (NZ)
69.Manoj Sharma (Nepal)
70.Marilyn Ashbaugh (USA)
71.Alene Sen (Canada)
72.Christine L. Villa (USA)
73.D’Ellen (USA)
74.Glauco Saba (Italy)
75.Hla Yin Mon (Myanmar)
76.Hoshi Dee (Diana Timmerman) (England)
77. Ian William L. (Australia)
78. Mariangela Canzi (Italy)
79. John Pappas (USA)
80. Mona Bedi (India)
81. Monica 82. Refika Dedić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Final
Kakkar (India and USA)
82. Refika Dedić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
83. Rosa Almarales (Cuba)
84. Rowan P. Ogeil (Australia)
85. Sue Glamuzina (NZ)
86. Christopher Seep (USA)
87. Louise Hopewell (Australia)
88.Federico Peralta (Philippines)
89.Kathabela Wilson (USA)
90.Valorie Broadhurst Woedehoff (USA)
91. Maria Teresa Sisti (Italy)

To celebrate the Centenary of NZ writer Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), an International Haiku Competition will take place 15 July - 15 September 2023.
It is divided into two sections, one for adults aged 21 years and over, and the other for junior poets aged 20 years and younger.
With enough submissions we will be able to include honorable mentions.
The deadline is midnight of 15 September 2023, NZ time.
(No submission fee)
Judges: Alan Peat (UK) for Adult Division
Zoe Grant (NZ) for Junior Division
*Note: All submissions will be considered for
the 2023 KM100NZ Haiku Anthology, and the prize winners will be invited to read their haiku at the festival
* * *
* Each poet is to submit only ONE unpublished haiku
* No submission fee
* Submit to
with your full name and country in the subject
(For example: Sherry Grant, New Zealand)
* Include your full name, country of residence, short bio (100 words and under) and a recent headshot photo with your submission, please everything (except for photo) sent in the email as text. For the bio please use third person.
* The main theme is LONELINESS however any theme inspired by Katherine Mansfield's life or works will be accepted. Please include the source of your inspiration when you can. (For example: inspired by KM March 19, 1915 letter to J. Murray -- a lot of Katherine Mansfield's original literary works can be viewed for free online)
* Even though shorter haiku are preferable, 5-7-5 are also allowed. A haiku can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 lines long even though the 3-line version is the most common one.
All varieties will be accepted.
* We love translations! Please include any ONE other language translation of your poem (submission must be in English and at most one other language) and clearly state what language it is. You may ask a friend to help with the translation but please credit their name.
Good luck!
* * *
* Each poet is to submit only ONE unpublished haiku
* No submission fee
* Submit to
with your full name, age and country in the subject
(For example: Zoe Grant, 9 Years Old, New Zealand)
* Include your full name, age and country of residence (no bio or headshot photo needed)
* The main theme is LONELINESS however any theme inspired by Katherine Mansfield's life or works will be accepted. Please include the source of your inspiration when you can but this is optional for the junior submission. (For example: inspired by KM March 19, 1915 letter to J. Murray -- a lot of Katherine Mansfield's original literary works can be viewed for free online)
* Even though shorter haiku are preferable, 5-7-5 are also allowed. A haiku can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 lines long even though the 3-line version is the most common one.All varieties will be accepted. For junior submission we recommend 3-line haiku
* We love translations! Please include any ONE other language translation of your poem (submission must be in English and at most one other language) and clearly state what language it is. This is optional for junior submission and for the translation into another language (or into English from another language), adult assistance is permitted, but the haiku must be written by the poet in one language and translation assisted by an adult is ok.
Good luck!
* * *
Judge: Alan Peat (UK)
ALAN PEAT is an English author and haiku poet. His poetry first appeared in the international tanka anthology, ‘In the ship’s wake’ (Iron Press 2000) In 2021 he placed third in the International Golden Triangle Haiku contest; second in the New Zealand International Haiku contest, and placed both first and second (with Sherry Grant, and Pris Campbell) in the Otoroshi Rengay contest.
In 2022 he was runner up in the British Haiku Society, Ken and Norah Jones Haibun Award; honourable mention in the Haiku Poets of North California International Haibun contest; second in the Sandford Goldstein international tanka contest; second in the Heliosparrow semagram contest, and joint third place in the 2022 Time Haiku ekphrastic haibun contest. He was also guest author at Cornell University’s Mann Library for the month of October (2022). In 2023 he won a Touchstone Award (haibun) and another of his haibun has been turned into a film for the HNA Haibun film festival. He was also joint winner of the 2023 Time Haiku ekphrastic haibun contest.
A collaborative collection of surreal haibun, Barking At The Coming Rain, (Alba Publishing) written with Réka Nyitrai has just been published.
He currently resides in Biddulph, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
* * *
Judge: Zoe Grant (NZ)
Zoe Grant is an award-winning nine-year-old haiku poet from New Zealand. At the age of six, she co-authored and illustrated 'Bat Girl', a poetry book written for children. In 2021 (aged seven), Zoe won the first prize at the International NZPS Haiku Competition (School/Junior Section). Her haiku and rengay are widely published in many international journals/anthologies. Zoe has not only collaborated with her mother Sherry Grant but also with renowned haiku poet friends around the world.
Zoe and Sherry host the International Rengay Gathering twice a year (2 sessions each time to cater for different time zones) and together they were guest editors for Haiku Dialogue in December 2022 on the theme of "Childhood Memories". During the International Scriabin 150 Festival in 2022, Zoe recited 250 short form poems by 250 haiku poets over 3 days at lunch breaks. Zoe is the co-editor of Haiku Zoo Journal (for young poets 20 years and younger), Raining Rengay and co-judged the First Sri Lankan Haiku Contest in 2023.
The mother-daughter duo has appeared in numerous interviews (UK, Ireland, USA, Canada and NZ) over the last 3 years, and they co-presented at the first Haiku Down Under Online Conference (2022) as well as the Katherine Mansfield Symposium in Wellington, NZ (2023). Zoe loves writing, singing, playing the flute and dancing ballet. She has recently illustrated Sherry's new book 'Being Katherine' with 6 haiga.