Sunday 2023-12-17 @ 10:00am-12:00pm NZDT
Dedicated to Joseph Patrych
Watch Sherry's Interview with Joe for 2022 International Scriabin 150 Festival
Sherry Grant
Woodwind Music
by NZ/French/German composers
with her 4 kids
Celebrate 2023 Christmas
Katherine Mansfield's Centenary
(banner made by Sherry)
Piano: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Oboe/cor anglais: Eddie Grant
Clarinet: Daniel Grant
Bassoon/vocal: Aspen Grant
Flute/vocal: Zoe Grant
Limited seats, book now (by donation)
* Programme *
Sherry will be performing woodwind works with her 4 kids (aged 9 to 17) to celebrate Christmas and Katherine Mansfield's Centenary. This concert is dedicated to Sherry's good friend in NYC Joseph Patrych.
Sherry's Poem 1: TBC
1. Zoe (flute): Menuet by J.S. Bach (Germany)
2. Zoe (flute): Cinq Sets by Guy-Claude Luyoaerts (France)
3. Aspen (bassoon): Aria by Tansman (France)
4. Aspen (bassoon): Piece by Faure (France)
5. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Concerto No.3, 1st mvt by Stamitz (Germany)
Sherry's Poem 2: TBC
6. Eddie (oboe): Oboe Concerto, 2nd mvt by Vaughan Williams (UK)
7. Daniel (clarinet): Clarinet Sonata by Saint-saens (all 4 movements) (France)
8. Zoe (vocal): Chocolate by David Hamilton (NZ)
9. Eddie (cor anglais): 2 Mansfield Poems by Edwin Carr (NZ)
10. Daniel (clarinet): 4th, 5th & 6th mvts from Phantasy Suite by Thomas Dunhill (UK)
Sherry's Poem 3: TBC
11. Zoe (vocal): Castle on the Cloud (France)
12. Zoe (vocal): Any Dream Will Do (UK)
13. Zoe (vocal): Greensleeves (UK, traditional)
14. Daniel (clarinet): Sonatina by Malcolm Arnold (all three movements) (UK)
15. Eddie (oboe): Gabriel's Oboe by Ennio Morricone (Italy)
Sherry's Poem 4: TBC
16. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Evening Prayer From Hansel & Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck (Germany)
17. Zoe / Aspen (vocal duet): Peace Song by Dorothy Buchanan (NZ)
18. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Song
19. Sherry (piano): The Christmas Waltz
20. Zoe (vocal): Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
21. Zoe (vocal): Jingle-Bell Rock
22. TBC
23. TBC
Sherry Poem 5: TBC
Scriabin: Etude Op.2, No.1
The Carpenters: It's Only Just Begun
Sunday 2023-02-12 @ 10:00am-12pm NZST
Sherry Grant
Various Composers
(Classical & Non-Classical)
Co-Host: Bez Rengifo (USA)
Daniel Grant, clarinet (age 15)
Emily Grant, oboe (age 16)
Rebecca (AKA Aspen) Grant, bassoon (age 12)
Zoe Grant, vocal (age 8)
Piano/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Listen on Twitter or a browser:
* Poetry Reading *
~ LOVE ~
(long rhymed poems and tanka)
I Drown in Your Eyes
— Sherry Grant (Op.3783)
of my life
i will die
without ever tasting
your lips
— Pamela A. Babusci (USA)
the grass
covered with golden leaves
the shape of tears…
autumn deepens
without your footfall
— Jackie Chou (USA)
her eyes
his breath caught
at their first sight
is it love
or an invitation
— Linda Ludwig (USA)
a melancholic
love song
as do the falling
red flowers
into the void
— Barbara Anna Gaiardoni (Italy)
an old notebook
your name
encircled in
the body of a heart
— Gillena Cox (Trinidad)
this starry night
he slips a ring
onto her finger
among fields
of green wheat
— Marilyn Humbert (Australia)
Frameless Sky 6 2017
he loves
blondes so she becomes one
she is
quite attracted to baldies
so he shaves his head for her
— Roberta Beach Jacobson (USA)
shimmering moon
swans gliding through darkness
reflections abound
ducklings rest beneath trees
whilst a lotus blooms
— Katherine E Winnick (UK)
Moonink Tanka Anthology
along the edge of clouds
I feel you
shaping my world
in all the softness
a sky can offer
— C.X.Turner (UK)
love poem to
the spider in night’s darkness
(early morning sighs)
gossamer threads of relief
that you are no cockroach
— David Cox (China)
grilled meat
between us
over the answer
about the wedding ring
— Wai Mei Wong (Canada)
blowing kisses
my aim is far
that’s when I meet you …
our love reaching
to the moon and back
— Bonnie J Scherer (USA)
I loved
against reason…
this slow collapse
of me
into you
— Reid Hepworth (Canada)
haikuKATHA, issue 11
pressed between
the pages of my life
those nights
we spent beneath the moon
when all the stars were ours
— Rebecca Drouilhet (USA)
Publication Credits: Atlas Poetica 22
four in the morning
dark and chill
yet outside jasmine blooms
and you are by me
— Keith Evetts (UK)
this year too
for your birthday
I bake a cake
with a pinch of salt
from my tears
— Marina Bellini (Italy)
red watermelon for me
while yellow for you
in summer
year after year
we choose each other
— Valentina Ranaldi-Adams (USA)
Blithe Spirit - February 2018
they find a way
to communicate
through shared language,
a few words of english,
and touch
— Mark Gilbert (UK)
First published by Fireflies' Light Issue 23 (Jun-21)
a blank paper
with words in red
the pressed petals
strewn all over his room
in memory of her life
— Amoolya Kamalnath (India)
sometimes I wait by
the old wall where we spoke
all the grass holds the pink
crumpled crepe myrtle
and lilies not yet sprung
— Kathabela Wilson (USA)
First published in Bright Stars, 2014
edited by M. Kei
meet me my dearest
somewhere in our past
our future
to share once again
this perfect love
— Don Baird (USA)
on the beach
a stolen moment
hand in hand
travelling together
beyond the stars
— Clive Bennett (UK)
fill the warm breeze
once more
your promise of
everlasting love
— Sherry Grant (NZ)
by the door
a mother waits —
the villager's children
trot home from school
— Christina Chin (Malaysia)
a sky
is blue
i bring
— ai li (UK)
from a dark sea by ai li
short walk -
at every step
your young face
and the splendour
of daffodils
— Frank Williams (UK)
The British Haiku Society (2023)
Anthology 'In Sun Snow & Rain'
the flavor
of melted chocolate
dripping from a cone
this feeling when
you hold my hand
— Claire Vogel Camargo (USA)
TSA Anthology 2021
inside his words
there is a world
running deep
its beginning, its ending
the cave of my heart
— Richa Sharma (India)
Cattails, Spring Issue, April 2021
change the shape
a weeping willow
strong storm
the wind in the valley
now caresses me
— Daniela Misso (Italy)
The British Haiku Society 30th Anniversary Members'
Tanka Anthology 1990-2020
we zip
our sleeping bags
you cradle my body
like a crescent moon
— Debbie Strange (Canada)
"Love", British Haiku Society 30th Anniversary Tanka Anthology, 1990-2020
a flash of light…
shining down on mountains'
silent gateway
flowing from ridge to ridge
love spreading
— Rika Inami (Japan)
iridescent clouds . . .
the unexpected way
you tell me
how much I’ve changed
your life
— Chrissi Villa (USA)
First Place, Mandy's Page Tanka Contest 2017
I'm sitting
silence around me
restlessness in me
the birds are chirping
where are you now
— Refika Dedić,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
she asks me
if I still love her
the sun’s heat
in the heart
of a stone
— John Hawkhead (UK)
Presence Issue 73
My Little Nightingale
— Sherry Grant (Op.3482)

Sunday 2023-01-01 @ 10:00am-11:30am NZST
Sherry Grant
Piano Music
Ukrainian Composer
Valentin Silvestrov
(PART 2)
Co-Host: Lady Rocket (USA)
Rebecca (AKA Aspen) Grant, vocal (age 12)
Zoe Grant, vocal/piano (age 8)
Piano/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Listen on Twitter or a browser:
~ War and Peace ~
(long rhymed poems, haiku, split sequence,
tanka & cherita)
To Dream
— Sherry Grant (Op.3588)
mass grave
the ash-colored flurry
of cherry blossoms
— Judit Hollos, Hungary
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
fleeing every face a mirror
— Julie Schwerin
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
sunflower fields . . .
there is no one left
to bury the dead
— Debbie Strange
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
crammed platform
awaiting the next train
to anywhere
— Sunsan Mallarnee
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
Broken peace
forgotten lullaby . . .
refugees piled up
on top of each other
train to Poland
on the tin roof
smell of gunpowder
each passing moment
a cold wave
tapping sound of rain
sobbing child
at the port of entry
only strangers
— Milan Rajkumar & Christine L. Villa
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
newborn’s first lullaby glass-shattering
— Daya Bhat, India
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
the moon
sliding behind cloud
soldiers noiselessly slid
from the house of a woman
they’ve raped for hours
— Susan Mary Wade, UK
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
weaving a nest
twig by twig...
bombed town
— Neena Singh, India
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
not asking,
when will
we get there?
will we
die, mama?
— Myron Lysenko, Australia
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
victory march
the glorious history
of graveyards
under the general’s statue
a homeless child eats
— John Hawkhead and Hifsa Ashraf
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
ring around the rosie
abrupt end
to childhood
to ashes
we all fall down
— Risë Daniels
Frameless Sky, Issue 16, 2022
cry for peace
millions of refugees
say NO to war
— Mohammad Erfun Amin
a poem copied
in Dad's tight cursive ...
we never discussed the war
— Joseph P. Wechselberger
Hedgerow, Issue 137
silence in defeat—
the general certifies the dead
as smoke rises
from the mortars and bombs
that killed our sons and daughters
— Michael H. Lester
white poppies ...
I wake up from a dream
of peace
(Italian translation)
papaveri bianchi...
mi sveglio da un sogno
di pace
— Daniela Misso
all the scriptures teach peace
— Nani Mariani
early spring ...
young doves coo
amid war sirens
— Neena Singh
Yowling cats
And howling dogs
Fights between
The divorced couple
No peace at night
— Zoe Grant (NZ)
(5th International Gogyoshi Anthology)
A snow globe
Perpetual winter
Will the war
Ever end?
— Sherry Grant (NZ)
I Keep On Dreaming Of Peace
By Sherry Grant (Op.3482)
Monday 2022-12-26 @ 10:00am-12:30am NZST
Sherry Grant
Everything Christmas
with her 4 children
Co-Host: TBC (USA)
Emily Grant, oboe (aged 16)
Daniel Grant, clarinet (aged 14)
Rebecca Grant, bassoon/singing (aged 12)
Zoe Grant, flute/singing (aged 8)
Piano/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Listen on Twitter or a browser:
~ Christmas ~
(rengay & haiku)
Tangled in Tinsel
Christmas Downunder
an angel with sunglasses
on top of the tree
the tabby cat
tangled in tinsel
carols by candlelight
a family dog with antlers
that sparkle
children's choice
what drink to leave
for Santa
so many yummy delights
on the festive table
loud snores
grandpa's party hat
slips over his face
A rengay by Ron C. Moss (Australia) and Lorraine Haig (Australia) 22th December 2022
the new puppy licks
the toddler’s face
— Joseph P. Wechselberger (USA)
silent Christmas
the northern lights fill
my dreams
— William Zote (India)
the cat zoomies
with a fake reindeer
— Rupa Anand (India)
one more dream
before dawn breaks ...
Christmas Eve
— Daniela Misso (Italy)
Christmas Eve evening:
the garden centre haunted
by the scent of pine
— Jenny Shepherd (UK)
Christmas light test
trying to untangle
last year
— Deborah P Kolodji (USA)
bottle rockets #10, Summer 2004
Christmas toast
father’s fingers still pink
with beetroot juice
— Minal Sarosh (India)
Failed haiku, A Journal of English Senryu’, Volume 7, Issue 73, January 2022
rush to the hospital
my firstborn comes home
in a Christmas stocking
— Kath Abela Wilson (USA)
tree decorating
one ornament at a time
I let go the past
— Jackie Chou (USA)
silent night
three little masked magi
watching the stars
— Florin C. Ciobica (Romania)
brightest star —
sleigh bells warm
the evening chill
— Don Baird (USA)
reflected in the wine glass
a wrecked city
of colored paper
— David Boyer (USA)
merrily we go
over the snow
sleigh bells
— Christina Chin (Malaysia)
the cockroach nibbles
on Santa's cookie
— Nicholas Klacsanzky (USA)
Failed Haiku, journal of senryu, volume 4, issue 38
A broken bauble -
under the Christmas tree
the cat looks guilty
— Małgorzata Borzeszkowska (Poland)
holiday gifts
Christmas snowflakes
on our hair
— Claire Vogel Camargo (USA)
the redness of blooms -
adorning the Christmas tree
— Gillena Cox (Trinidad)
the language
of stars
— Ed Bremson (USA)
winter stars
the dandelion seeds
frozen in time
— Marilyn Ward (UK)
Freshout Magazine 2020
Christmas sunrise
the snowman wears
a red hat
— Mona Bedi (India)
smiley faces
on all of them….
Ginger bread men!
— Subhashini Jayatilake (Australia)
stargazing . . .
colored lights shine
beneath the snow
— Valentina Ranaldi-Adams (USA)
Stardust Haiku - Issue 36 - December 2019
winter hare
adding more silence
to silence
— John Pappas (USA)
four in the morning it begins with hooves on the roof
— Alan Summers
Presence issue #74 (2022)
under the mistletoe
— Archie Carlos (USA)
full moon
neighborhood Xmas lights
always the runner up
— Rehn Kovacic (USA)
Santa’s beard choosing ice-cream flavours
— Sheila Thomas (UK)
baubles and bangles
and silver-wrapped splangles...
the light of many stars
— Mark Gilbert (UK)
one more lamp with
countless stars
— Pravat Kumar Padhy (India)
A Hundred Gourds, 2:2 March 2013 (Ed. Lorin Ford)
sea breeze
the lingering melody
of carols
— Amoolya Kamalnath (India)
Christmas skates . . .
a rainbow of little boots
in the warming hut
— Debbie Strange (Canada)
Failed Haiku 5:60, December 2020
first snow . . .
the children's hangers
clatter in the closet
— Michael Dylan Welch (USA)
From The Haiku Anthology (third edition, 1999), edited by Cor van den Heuvel
Santa's sleigh -
pressed against the glass
few little noses
— Mirela Brăilean (Romania)
a small kid’s delight in logic puzzles Santa Claus
— Alice Wanderer (Australia)
the tree holding up
the weight of the ornaments
with surprising strength
— Sari Grandstaff (USA)
New Years Eve -
a caterpillar is outlined
in a flower
— Jorge A. Giallorenzi (Argentina)
Christmas night...
no one sees the empty bowl
(Italian translation)
notte di Natale...
nessuno vede la ciotola vuota
— Giuliana Ravaglia (Italy)
Longer Poem 2: All I Want Is You
by Sherry Grant (Op.3010)
Total playtime + poetry reading = 120 min
Sunday 2022-12-04 @ 10:00am-12:00pm NZST
Sherry Grant
All Woodwind Music
with her 4 children
Co-Host: Tonya Schutz (USA)
Emily Grant, oboe (aged 16)
Daniel Grant, clarinet (aged 14)
Rebecca Grant, bassoon (aged 12)
Zoe Grant, flute (aged 8)
Piano/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Listen on Twitter or a browser:
* Poetry Reading *
Poem 1: A Little Night Music (rengay) (by Garry Gay/John Thompson/Sherry Grant) (Op.3582)
Poem 2: I Drink Deeply (Op.3555)
Poem 3: To Light, Fragile Shell (Op.3574)
Poem 4: How Weary My Heart (Op.3541)
Poem 5: Lucky Throw (rengay) (by Anne Curran/Zoe Grant/Sherry Grant) (Op.3551)
Sunday 2022-11-06 @ 9:00am-11:30am NZST
Sherry Grant
Alexander Scriabin's
Piano Music
(a mini marathon)
to celebrate his
150th Birth Year in 2022!
Co-Host: Moonlight (USA/Taiwan)
Piano Solo/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Listen on Twitter or a browser:
* Poetry Reading *
This is a special concert I am dedicating to my favourite composer Alexander Scriabin, one week before the International Scriabin 150 Festival. Also my humble tribute to the late festival patron Alexander Serafimovich Scriabin (1947-2022)…
Poem 1: Let Me Through, Op. 3580
by Sherry Grant
Poem 2: Autumn Chill (a rengay), Op.3586
by Garry Gay, John Thompson & Sherry Grant
Poem 3: The Dragon in Me, Op.3587
by Sherry Grant
Poem 4: Desire & Tender Caress (2 nonaku), Op.1217 & Op.1218
by Sherry Grant
Poem 5: One Last Glance, Op.3162
by Sherry Grant
Total playtime + poetry reading = 90 min
Next concert of all woodwind music will hopefully be streamed on also:
Saturday 2022-10-01 @ 9:00am-11:00am NZST
Sherry Grant
Valentin Silvestrov's
Piano Music
to celebrate his
85th Birthday today!
Co-Host: Vokzman (South Africa)
Piano Solo/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
* Poetry Reading *
This is a special concert I am dedicating to my friend Valentin Silvestrov (Ukrainian composer currently in exile in Germany) as he turns 85 years old today (30 Sept 2022 in Europe)! Part 2 of the concert with a different programme of all Silvestrov piano music will be performed around Chirstmas of 2022. Happy Birthday Maestro! The encore is dedicated to my good friend Yar...
Poem 1: I Am Silence (Op.3540)
by Sherry Grant
Poem 2: The Fog at Dawn (Op.3537)
by Sherry Grant
Poem 3: J'Adore (Op.3261)
by Sherry Grant
Poem 4: To Spring (Op.1579)
by Sherry Grant
Poem 5: One Last Glance (Op.3162)
by Sherry Grant
Total playtime + poetry reading = 80 min
Sunday 2022-08-27 9:00pm-11:00pm NZST
Sherry Grant
Croatian Piano Music
Co-Host: Blockmuse (Ireland)
Piano Solo/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Guest Performers: Emily Grant (cor anglais),
Zoe Grant (singing, flute),
Aspen Grant (singing, bassoon),
and Daniel Grant (clarinet)
* Poetry Reading *
This is a special concert performing mostly piano music by Croatian composers including a world premiere
Poem: Gone from Your Eyes (Op.3445)
by Sherry Grant
Poem: I Keep On Dreaming Of Peace (Op.3482)
by Sherry Grant
Total play time: about 90 mins
Sunday 2021-05-01 9:30pm-11:30pm NZST
Sherry Grant
New Zealand Piano Music
Host: Anna Bernada Teklic (Croatia/Germany)
Piano Solo/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Sherry Performance Programme
Sun 9:30-11pm 2022-05-01 NZ time, dedicated to all family and friends born in May
Poem: Under Attack (Op.3304) written 2022-04-30
by Sherry Grant
Poem: How You Had Me Fooled, written on 2022-04-28
by Sherry Grant
2021-04-13 10-11:30am NZST
Troubadour from Down Underpresents
Franco-Russian Music Part 1
Host: Anna Bernada Teklic (Croatia/Germany)
Piano Solo/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
Sherry Performance Programme Wed 10-11am 2022-04-13
(Franco-Russian Part 1, a tribute to Prokofiev for his birthday in April)
Poem: You Give Me Light (Op.3298) written 2022-04-12
by Sherry Grant
Poem: My Heart Lands on a Buttercup (Op.3264) written on 2022-03-05
by Sherry Grant
Troubadour from Down Under
in celebration of
World Piano Day 2022
(charity concert for Ukraine)
streaming from Auckland, NZ
Date: 29 March 2022
London time: 10pm
New York time: 5pm
Pacific time: 2pm
NZ time: 10am, 30 March 2022

Recital Programme
Host: Anna Bernada Teklic (Croatia/Germany)
Piano Solo/Poetry Reading: Sherry Grant (NZ)
present music from
Ukraine (Valentin Silvestrov 1937-)
Russia (Alexander N. Scriabin 1872-1915
Pyotr Tchaikovsky 1840-1893
Sergei Rachmaninoff 1873-1943
Modest Mussorgsky 1839-1881)
Serbia (Miloje Milojević 1884-1946)
Croatia (Ferdo Livadić 1799-1879
Dora Pejačević 1885-1923)
* Poem: Sing Me A Song (Op.2579)
* Poem: Mystic Garden (Op.1121, a nonaku)
* Poem: Come Out, Come Out (Op.3163)
* Poem: October (Op.68)
* Poem: Night Music (Op.2202, a rengay)
* Poem (Desire, Op.1217, a nonaku)
* Poem: Tender Caress (Op.1218, a nonaku)
* Poem: Tears on her Cheeks (Op.3287)
* Poem: Sadness in their Eyes (Op.3160)
* Poem: enso (Op.3096)
If you wish to donate, you could send to paypal account
(the full amount will be donated to charity in support of Urkaine
if you put reference of your name + UKRAINE in)
or if you would like to also support Sherry in bringing more unique and niche music and poetry in the future (reference: your name + SHERRY)
Thank you for listening to this concert!
A bit more about Sherry's poetry: